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Will the National Child Strategy change our society?


Author Johanna Laisaari

An illustrated child draws a circle with a pencil. The background has colored surfaces.

Finland has adopted a National Child Strategy with the aim of creating a society that complies with the rights of the child and supports families with children. A society where all children are equally valued and important. A society where people are aware of the rights of the child and respect them.

The successful and comprehensive enforcement of the rights of the child requires actions and deep commitment from all of us. We need a shared understanding of what this means for each child and all the parties involved in the implementation of the strategy. We need a public discussion on how to build the a Finland for all children.

In line with the key policies laid down in the National Child Strategy, one crucial aspect is to make sure that children and young people are themselves aware of their rights. We must ensure better skills and knowledge among children and young people with respect to the basic and human rights that belong to them. This way we will raise a generation who is familiar with the rights of the child from an early age. This goal cannot be achieved unless we adults are equally knowledgeable about the rights of the child.

The goal for the implementation of the National Child Strategy is to bring together experts and professionals with an interest in the rights of the child to share insights and to provide training and materials to improve general awareness of the rights of the child.

This is why we have invited a broad spectrum of writers to contribute to our blog series to share their views and knowledge. The writers will be looking at the rights of the child from the perspective of different demographics and their own area of expertise. The blogs will examine the implementation of the National Child Strategy and its progress in different parts of the country.

The National Child Strategy Blog is launched in summer 2021. I hope you find our blog series an interesting and enjoyable read!

Johanna Laisaari

P.S. If you would like to share your thoughts about the National Child Strategy in our blog series, do contact the Communications at the Central Union for Child Welfare: or