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Progress reports on the implementation of the Child Strategy to begin


Author Esa Iivonen

Progress reports on the implementation of the Child Strategy text in fron of colorful elements.

The implementation of the National Child Strategy is progressing, and the first implementation plan is being put into practice. Measures will be implemented on the basis of the strategic guidelines of the Child Strategy. They form a broad and diverse set of more than 30 measures, which are carried out simultaneously by several bodies.

Starting this autumn, we will publish Progress reports on the implementation of the Child Strategy once or twice a month. The reports will describe the progress of the measures and discuss any new publications, bulletins or other results of the measures.

We will inform the public of the reports on our social media channels, and they will also be available on the Child Strategy website.

The Child Strategy is a shared tool for the implementation of the rights of the child across Finland, and it is essential that all age groups in various sectors of society become familiar with its objectives and measures. Efforts have been made to communicate the Child Strategy as widely as possible using multiple channels and taking into account children, young people and adults.

There will be a more comprehensive follow-up report on the Child Strategy and the 30-plus measures contained in the implementation plan next spring before the end of the government term.

Stay tuned and follow our channels!


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