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Participation and activities

The rights of the child concern all of us. By taking part in Child Strategy events, you are involved in creating a Finland for all children!

Join us to create a Finland for all children and take part in our events

The rights of the child concern all of us. By taking part in Child Strategy events, you are involved in creating a Finland for all children! You can find a more specific list of upcoming and past Child Strategy events on our event pages in Finnish(you’re moving to another site) or Swedish(you’re moving to another site). There you can also find recordings of some events.


The aim of the national Child Strategy is to increase the inclusion of children and young people in Finland. The Strategy helps to promote the inclusion of children and create ways of strengthening the inclusion of all children and young people in society. It will also increase adults’ understanding of the inclusion of children.

Several parties such as authorities, NGOs and other organisations were consulted during the early preparation stages of the Child Strategy. Children, young people and adults have also been an integral part of building the Child Strategy by offering a perspective of the public.

You can be involved in the Child Strategy work in the implementation phase by participating in webinars and other events.

Results of the survey on participation

You can learn more about the results in the third part of the inclusion report published by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Views of Children and Young People on Inclusion (in Finnish, in a new window, you’re moving to another site). The report examines views of children and young people on the Child Strategy work.

Watch a video on how children’s rights are implemented in Finland on YouTube or below (in Finnish)(opens in a new window, you’re moving to another site). The video discusses the results of the inclusion survey conducted in autumn 2020 from the perspective of children and young people.