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What is the National Child Strategy?

In 2021 published National Child Strategy covers the current state of well-being and rights of children and young people in Finland as well as the key objectives and measures to promote these issues. The national Child Strategy applies to all children and young people under the age of 18. The Child Strategy is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

What is the vision of the Child Strategy and why do we need the Strategy?

The vision of the Child Strategy is a genuinely child- and family-friendly Finland that respects the rights of the child. A parliamentary committee prepared the Strategy in 2020. It helps to specify more detailed measures for improving the status of children. These measures are recorded in an implementation plan to be prepared for each government term.

In Finland, most children do well, but there are still many challenges when it comes realising children’s rights. Different decisions and measures affect the status of children, but such impacts are not always assessed thoroughly enough in advance, and children’s opinions and views are not taken into account systematically. Studies have shown that many children and young people experience discrimination or loneliness. Not all children receive the support or services they need.

Read the press release on Child Strategy by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health ( in a new window, you’re moving to another site)

You can read more about the information gathered during the preparation of the Strategy on the Publications page(you’re moving to another site). You can find videos about the Child Strategy in Finnish and Swedish on the Rights of the child YouTube channel(opens in a new window, you’re moving to another site)!

The Child Strategy is based on multidisciplinary and cross-ministerial work, without forgetting the involvement of citizens

The Child Strategy prepared by the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The Prime Minister’s Office also set up a working group to support the preparation and implementation and a monitoring working group. More information about the working groups (in Finnish,

Various organisations have actively promoted awareness of the Convention and the preparation of the Child Strategy in Finland. Their efforts have also included the development of training on the rights of the child, child impact assessment and child rights budgeting as well as the inclusion of children as part of their own activities. This work has helped the preparation and implementation of the Child Strategy. It is hoped that NGOs will disseminate information on the Strategy to their own members and stakeholders so that this information reaches as many children, young people and adults as possible.

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